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申请时间:2012/3/26 16:08:54 【关闭】 【收藏】 【打印】
本公司是专业生产龙门卧式带锯机的厂家,专业应用于锯切复合材料分片、红酸枝木、柚木、紫檀、花梨等名贵木材,锯路小,锯切面光滑无锯纹,速度快等特点。 该锯床控制应用方面采用人机界面/plc/变频器调速。凭借丰富生产经验的累积,勤奋进取的豪达人,充分发挥团体意识和敬业精神,奋力拼搏。豪达人更是不断吸取和借助系统的现代经营管理理念,以及先进的生产工艺流程,严格控制质量,加之高效的售后服务,使公司生产的龙门卧式带锯机深受广大客商的赞誉和青睐。联系人:黄贵香13380277218、胡生13380279218 The company is specializing in the production of Longmen horizontal band saw machine manufacturers, professional application in cutting composite patch, red acerbity branch wood, teak, rosewood, rosewood and other valuable timber, saw, saw smooth section without saw lines, speed etc.. The sawing machine control application using man-machine interface / PLC / frequency converter. With rich production experience accumulated, industrious and enterprising - Master, give full play to group consciousness and the professional dedication, struggling to fight. Hao master is constantly absorb and use system of modern management concepts, and advanced production process, strict quality control, coupled with efficient after sale service, the company production of Longmen horizontal band saw machine by the majority of customers praise and favor. Contact person: Huang Guixiang 13380277218
中山地址:广东中山市石岐兴中大厦19楼 江门地址:广东江门市新会区冈州大道中 东阳地址:浙江省东阳市横店华夏大道与十里街交界附近 电话:400-0088-328
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